April 8, 2009

Never a day without laughter

I can't tell you how many times every day Carter will do something that has me busting up laughing! I was watching him tonight and thinking about how thankful I am to have him. Laughter is the best medicine for anything! :)

There were a couple flies in our house this morning that were driving me crazy. I looked around for the fly swatter, but I couldn't find it. The flies kept landing on the coffee table, so in place of the fly swatter, I grabbed one of Carter's books. He was playing with something in the kitchen, and I didn't think he was looking my way, so I took one big swat at the table with the book. Of course I missed, but then he was walking back my way, so I gave up. Two seconds later, he goes and grabs a book, lifts it up to his head, and slams it onto the coffee table. I tried SOOO hard not to laugh, but the proud look on his face, I just couldn't help it!!!!! He laughs this develish little laugh, and does it again. I don't know why it was so funny, but it was. Pretty soon I distracted him with something else and thankfully he gave up the book slamming.

Carter went to Grammy's today since I was working. Uncle Todd decided to come out for a visit since he had the day off. Carter absolutely LOVES him, its adorable! He doesn't want much to do with me, or my Mom when Todd's around. They wrestled, went for a walk, took a little cat nap on the couch, and had all sorts of fun. Carter kept running up to Todd's legs yelling "aghhhh" and would give him big bear hugs. <3

He loves the word "ball" now. We went to Target yesterday and I was wandering the kids toys and sporting goods aisles, trying to fill up his Easter basket. All I heard over and over...."baa, baa, baa, baa." He can't quite say the "l's" yet, but he's trying. Its really cute when he tries to say baseball. It sounds nothing like the word itself, more like "buh-baa."

So at random times throughout the day, we go through the progression of words he knows. I ask him to say Mommy, Daddy, Papa, Grammy, ball, and baseball. He will say all the words, except for Grammy. He made up his own baby sign for Grammy which he does ALL THE TIME! He sticks out his pointer finger, and shakes it (think "no no") We aren't quite sure where the sign came from, but its funny that he will say all the words you ask, until you get to Grammy, he shakes his finger around. :) Then I will say, "No Carter, say Grammy with your mouth, use your words." He just sticks his pointer finger in his mouth. haha.

Just for kicks, here is my favorite picture so far this week. :) I was in the kitching, and he starts yelling, "MAMA, MAMA!!!!" I walk around the corner, and this is what I found.

Never a dull moment! :)


JoEllen said...

Awww....so cute! Love the fingers in the nose...classic!

Paige Hinrichs said...

Oh that is THE BEST picture! You must save that forever and bribe/threaten him with it when he's a teen. : ) I'd make that your new Facebook pic.

The Little family said...

Oh I love it!! What a funny lil guy. We gotta hang out soon. Do you have a disneyland pass??