April 1, 2009

In a blogging funk

Can you tell I haven't been in the mood to blog lately? As a matter of fact, i'm still not, but I decided it was time to write at least a sentence or two. :)

Life has been busy!!! Work has been really busy, which is awesome! My scheduled days have been almost completely booked for the past 8 weeks. It's incredible, and i'm SO thankful! I did have a nice break today, and it was a great chance to get caught up on laundry, grocery shopping, semi-cleaning the house, etc. :)

Carter learned a few new words this week. He says Papa, and also Ball. They don't really sound exactly like they should, but he's trying. :) He has been trying to say MINE for a few weeks now, I really don't know where he learned that one.

As for an update on my last post...a few people asked me about. We decided to wait until he is 17 months for his MMR shot. They like to wait about a month inbetween vaccines, so I decided to do it then that way we don't get behind on his 18 month shots. I will just take him in a couple weeks late for his 18 month appt. I feel better about the decision, and then at 18 months, he will be all caught up and done with vaccines for a while, YAY!

Thats all for now. Hopefully I will be back before another 2 months go by!

1 comment:

Paige Hinrichs said...

I've missed your posts! Now share some wedding pictures! : )