November 6, 2008

I had to laugh....

I put Carter down for a nap at 2:45. We had just gotten home from running around, and he was asleep in the car for maybe 5 minutes. I had to wake him up to put him in his crib though because his pants were all wet.

Anyways, he played in his crib for an hour and 10 minutes. (NEW RECORD!) He finally starts crying, so I went in to just calm him down and try to get him to go to sleep. He is sitting in his crib with his socks both pulled off, and his shirt half way off. He knows how to pull bibs off, but I have never seen him get his shirt off. It was just funny looking because he had one arm out, and it was over his shoulder, but the other arm was in. Then he stood up, started giggling and jumping in his bed.

I have a feeling now that he's hitting toddler-hood, its going to be something new everyday that makes me laugh. :) Kids are fun! :)

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