September 28, 2008

Every day amazes me!

It is so amazing to me, being able to watch Carter grow, learn, and change every day. Yesterday, he saw me chewing gum, and he started chewing. I don't know why, but I just thought it was so cute. I was rocking him in the rocking chair the other day, patting his back, and he started patting my back. It just amazes me how fast he is learning, it seems like every day its something new. It is so much fun. I am just reminded over and over again at how blessed I am.

My high hopes to get some scrapbooking done this weekend have come crashing down miserably. I got one page done on Friday night, but nothing since then. I came into the office to maybe sit down and scrap, but couldn't get here I sit.

Just for fun, here are a few pictures. :) A couple pages I finished this week, and one of my favorite bath time shots. :)

1 comment:

Paige Hinrichs said...

Carrie! I love your blog! I was looking for your email tonight and would love to do Carter's pictures. Email me. : )

Paige (MOPS)