January 17, 2009

There's no such thing as a lazy Saturday in my world

Today was my first Saturday off work in at least 2 1/2 months. It was a great day! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job, and enjoy working, but it was nice to spend the day at home with Jordan and Carter. I feel accomplished today! I got a lot of picking up around the house done, cleaned, ran a few errands, went to church. It's just so nice to see my life becoming more organized and together, because that has been a goal of mine for a while.

Just for fun, and because I like to see my list crossed off, here is what I did today. :)

- Picked up produce at Washington produce (everything is SO yummy!)
- Went to Joann's and special ordered a cricut cartridge on sale
- Went to the grocery store for a few random necessities
- Washed, cut, and prepared all the produce we bought today
- Cleaned the guest bathroom
- Dishes done
- Kitchen cleaned
- Bottles washed, dried and put away - ALL of them (doesn't happen too often)
- Made cinnamon raisin bread
- Swept and mopped floors
- 2 loads of laundry
- Washed and cleaned out my car (its been MONTHS!!!)
- Went to church

I think thats all! It was a productive day!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think I need you to come clean my house. How can you get all that done in one day. I must be super lazy