May 3, 2009

Really? Are you kidding me?!?!

Jordan and I were greeters at church last night. Since we get there so early, and we don't go in to sit down until after worship has ended, we always save ourselves a couple of seats for when we sneak in. Last night, I was kinda surprised by this lady who I handed a bulletin to, she pretty much just grabbed it out of my hand, and kept walking through the doors. It's just not very common that someone completely ignores your smile, and hello, welcoming them to church.

So anyways, after we are done passing out bulletins, we go in to sit down. The seats I saved are full! Guess who decided to sit there, and move my purse, and bulletin that were saving our seats???? Yep, that rude lady!!! I couldn't believe it, I mean seriously, you are coming to CHURCH! I had to go get my purse, because I wasn't going to let it sit there the entire service, so I walk over, say "excuse me" and grab my purse, AND bulletin. She just looks at me, and doesn't say a word. I seriously just sat there and chuckled....some people just DON'T get it!

1 comment:

Paige Hinrichs said...

I've met a lot of rude church people. However, I try and remind myself that maybe they're hurting somehow. Some, hurting REAL badly. : ) I guess that's what church is for , huh? Still, we expect all smiles and politeness.

You should see Troy in the parking lot after church! I have to calm him down so he doesn't freak out on the stupid drivers who are cutting us off. : )