October 21, 2008

Ugh, what an afernoon!

Today was definitely interesting. Carter was eating cheese, rasins, and cheerios for lunch, no big deal right? The dogs always clean up after him, and eat the food that he drops on the floor...(or feeds to them) Carter was being really funny, so I was sitting there taking some pictures of him while he ate. Roxy, one of our dogs was up on her hind legs eating food from under his legs (out of the seat of the highchair) I look on the ground and realize that there are 7 or 8 raisins on the ground, and they are all over the seat of his highchair.....and it hits me that grapes are toxic to dogs, I bet raisins are too.

I clean up the raisins, and come to the computer to look, and sure enough, raisins are a definite no-no for dogs. I start reading horrible things about kidney problems, and kidney failure if they eat too many, so I start to freak out. I call the vet and they say that if she ate a few, she is probably fine, but if she ate 10 or more, than I should bring her down to have them induce vommitting. Perfect...just what I need, $100 vet bill to get my dog to throw up. :( I call Jordan, and we talk about it, and I decide not to take her. They said I could try to induce vommiting at home with hydrogen peroxide (scary!) or I also read online about using dried mustard mixed in water. So I spent the next 30 minutes with the infant motrin dropper putting mustard water in her mouth, and I still couldn't get her to puke.

I finally decided I really don't think she ate many, because normally when he drops food, she sits there and preys on it, and snatches it up the second it hits the ground. I really think she didn't like the raisins, which is why they sat there untouched. Normally that is what happens to food she doesn't like. However if she ends up with kidney failure in the next few days, i'm going to be hating myself. :(

All that, combined with a 30 minute nap from Carter ALL day.....it made for a fabulous afternoon. Lets pray that tomorrow is better!!!

1 comment:

Paige Hinrichs said...

Poor dog! My sons could never eat raisins either. They really messed with their insides. I couldn't imagine what it would do to the dog.